I let him drive because I would get too scared, but really I was just too anxious.

I was afraid of being judged for the way I looked down at the speedometer more than the road or how I don’t check my blind spots the same way you do.

It was the middle of the night, and we were on the way to pick up another one of your friends - the ones that barely knew I existed.

You wanted to change the music, and I kept reminding you not to look at your phone.

The bright lights and the sirens played over in my head as I pleaded for the fifth time.

He didn’t listen to me though.

We ended up in an empty parking lot, unscrewing bolts and screaming regrets.

The sun began to come up and I was too busy figuring out how to explain the bent rim in the trunk to my parents.

I don’t know why I lied for you, but maybe, I was too embarrassed to admit that I even would.


